Online Shared-Parenting Tool – A Review of 2houses

Managing your child’s daily schedule can be hard. It can be even harder after a separation or divorce. Communicating with your co-parent might not always be easy and if this is getting in the way of your child’s routine then you might find 2houses to be useful…

Press Releases

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      Free Family Law Help Website for Australians: On any measure, divorce in Australia has been at a staggering high rate for years, with almost 50,000 divorces per year, not including the perhaps equally staggering separation of de facto couples.

    Tax Implications of a Property Settlement

    Divorce itself can of course be an emotionally exacting process for the parties concerned. However after the event itself, the tax implications of a divorce could create even more emotional trauma. Hence, in part 2 of this series of articles I will focus on the tax implications of a divorce settlement…

    Explaining Adult Child Maintenance (for Child Support)

    There is an understandable misconception in Australian law that child maintenance ends when the child legally becomes an adult, that is, at 18 years of age – however this is not entirely true for all scenarios…

    The History of the Family Law Act & its Amendments

    It is clear that the Family Law Act has evolved since its creation in 1975. This can be explained by the constant change and wide variety of family structures. No family is the same and no family is perfect. There will always be a difficulty to provide a single concept of law and apply it universally. However, there has been a gradual movement towards equality for all family units, regardless of its composition…

    Online Divorce in Australia: A Step by Step Guide to eFiling

    Since 2009, separating couples have been able to file applications for divorce electronically (eFiling) via the Commonwealth Courts Portal at…

    Editorial Guidelines

    Latest posts by admin (see all)

      All published articles must comply with the following guidelines. Intellectual Property & Plagiarism The article must be an original piece of work, written by the submitting author, not published elsewhere and must be the intellectual property of the submitter. The …..