Free family law advice available for Hervey Bay sittings

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A FREE family law legal advice service is available for people who are scheduled to appear at the visiting Federal Circuit Court in Hervey Bay next week.

Run by Legal Aid Queensland, the Family Law Duty Lawyer Service will be available from 9am at the Hervey Bay Courthouse on the corner of Queens Rd and Freshwater St at Scarness.

Legal Aid Queensland Family Law principal lawyer Suellan Walker-Munro said the duty lawyer service provided a legal lifeline to people representing themselves in family law matters.

“Our duty lawyers provide free legal information and advice, help fill out some forms and documents needed for that day in court and will also talk about eligibility for ongoing support from Legal Aid,” she said.

“The service is aimed at people who turn up for court for a session that day without having received any information or advice from a lawyer.

“Our duty lawyers will try to help these people get through their day in court and give them the information they need to better prepare for later court dates.

“Duty lawyers can only provide a basic service to help people through that day in court.

“The duty lawyers are not going to be able take on case work or represent people in family law trials.

“Our duty lawyer service will go some of the way to helping people get through that first day before the court, but cannot replace the very important assistance a lawyer can provide in the days and weeks leading up to a court date.”

To access free legal information and advice from Legal Aid Queensland, phone 1300 651 188.

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