Desperate father asks court to prevent abortion

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pregnant-in-court-injuction-abortionA MAN has failed to win an injunction to stop his pregnant teenage ex-girlfriend from having an abortion.

The man, who cannot be named, had asked the Family Court of Australia to direct the 16-year-old girl to inform him when she went into labour and for him to be given full responsibility for the child once it was born.

The father also sought to have his ex-girlfriend stopped from leaving Queensland while pregnant, permission to attend the hospital when his child was born and notification of all medical tests on the baby.

Court orders were filed against the girl, who admitted she was 13 weeks pregnant after the pair separated in January. The teenager told Justice Peter Murphy she was pregnant but had no intention of terminating the pregnancy.

The girl already has a nine-month-old child from an earlier relationship.

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Categories: Abortion, Injunction, Parental, Parental Rights
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