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Many people are unable to afford a lawyer to help them to resolve family disputes.
They can be at a disadvantage because the law is complicated and court
processes are sometimes difficult to understand.
This booklet is designed to help those people who do not have a lawyer to
present their cases in the Family Court of Western Australia. It is not a substitute
for competent legal advice, but it is hoped the information provided will make it
easier for you to navigate through the court system.
Judges and Magistrates must always remain impartial and not appear to help one side of a dispute to the disadvantage of the other. Whilst the Judge or Magistrate can provide some (very limited) assistance, it is expected that each party who does not have a lawyer will have tried their best to become familiar with this booklet before coming to Court.
The Court has received much positive feedback about earlier editions of the
booklet. We would appreciate hearing from you about any way you feel that future editions might be improved.

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