This is an actual family law affidavit as presented to theĀ Federal Magistrates Court by the applicant father. All personalised information, including relevant names, addresses and other personal information have been removed.
This affidavit was prepared by the said father, with the help of his solicitor, and is inclusive of the orders that the father sought the Court to make.
Family Law Express make no representation about the outcome of this affidavit, but we do ask the reader to look closely at the information contained, the brevity of the document, the information the affidavit chose to highlight.

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The following sample legal document is provided by Family Law Express for informational purposes only. It is intended to be used as a guide prior to consultation with a solicitor or other legal professionals familiar with your specific legal requirements and circumstances.
Family Law Express does not provide legal advice and we stress that this sample legal document is not a substitute on its own for consultation with a solicitor and/or other legal professional. If you intend to legally rely on a sample legal document acquired via the Sample Legal Document module on Family Law Express, you should seek expert legal advice from a suitably qualified legal expert to ensure that the document meets all legal requirements for your state or other jurisdiction.