Free Legal Sessions to Empower Women

Jess was aided by the police and the Illawarra Women’s Health Centre, which is hosting a series of legal information sessions to educate women considering leaving a difficult relationship…

Where there’s a Will, there’s a chance for wasteful litigation

Wills, succession and family provisions provide the landscape for some of the spellbinding human dramas that unfold in the equity courts…

Desperate father asks court to prevent abortion

A MAN has failed to win an injunction to stop his pregnant teenage ex-girlfriend from having an abortion. The man, who cannot be named, had asked the Family Court of Australia to direct the 16-year-old girl to inform him when she went into labour and for him to be given full responsibility for the child once it was born…

Court upholds islander practice to give up baby

THE Family Court has formally recognised the decision of a Torres Strait Islander couple to give their newborn baby away to an infertile couple in accordance with a traditional child rearing practice…

Sample Page

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to …..