How Much Does a Divorce Cost

Consider the costs and hidden fees associated with a divorce to gain an understanding of what to expect and how to manage the financial obligations…

Binding Financial Agreements (Pre-nups) in Australia

Binding Financial Agreements (BFA) are legally contractual agreements made between either de-facto or married couples before, during or after their relationship, regarding how their financial resources, assets and liabilities will be divided if their relationship ceases. Australian BFAs first became enforceable in 2000…

Decisions on behalf of your Children: The doctrine of ‘Parens Patriae’ in Australia

Parens Patriae means ‘parent of the country’ in Latin, and refers to the common law doctrine by which the Sovereign has an obligation to protect the interests of those unable to protect themselves, such as children and mentally incapacitated adults. For example, the State has a duty to protect children or the mentally ill who are abused or neglected…